What is SSCNET?
Mitsubishi has invented an original servo system network “SSCNET” in pursuit of reliability. SSCNET is an optical network that realizes smooth, high-response and high-accuracy operation under all circumstances.
* SSCNET (Servo System Controller NETwork)
Smooth, High-Speed and High-Accuracy Operation
Servo technology has been remarkably advanced. SSCNET realizes high-performance and high-accuracy devices that could not be attained with conventional pulse train command or analogue command.
There were problems with both pulse-train command and analogue command: former had a limited pulse frequency for a high-speed and high-accuracy control, and the latter was vulnerable to the line noise, voltage drop due to the cable length, and temperature drift.
SSCNET, however, resolves these problems and realizes smoother operations with high speed and accuracy. The high-speed serial communication system in SSCNET allows the servo motor synchronous control system and absolute-position system to be easily structured, and the one-touch connection with the connector simplifies wiring.