iQ Monozukuri CONVERTING

The development of a converting system that requires unwinding and winding control is supported.

Strongly supporting development of converting systems with unwinder/rewinder control.
Various functions speed up and facilitate system development.

iQ Monozukuri CONVERTING
The package includes program data examples (sequence programs, GOT screen data) for “rewinding” and “unwinding”, the basic converting applications.

Want to perform tension control with a new machine, but do not know how to.
This package covers almost all functions required for control in converting line, thus it is possible to decrease a huge number of design processes even if the machine is designed from scratch.

Think programs are too complicated.
Using the library, functions are divided into blocks, enabling to add or revise functions easily.

Tend to spend so much time on debugging and adjustment.
A function automatically adjusting the tension control gain, important function for the tension control, is available, enabling high-accuracy tension control.

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