GT Works3 add-on license for GOT2000 enhanced drive control (servo) project data

With the servo amplifier add-on projects, you can use the drive product interaction functions to improve the efficiency of work, such as the startup of a servo system.

Function features

GOT Drive Plus is the paid GOT project data that can visualize servo systems. The data is available for all resolutions of GT27 and GT25 models. Since the template screens for the GOT Mobile function are provided, you can promptly start the remote monitoring of servo systems.
The template project can be used as is depending on the system configuration, thus reducing time for screen creation.

Quick remote monitoring with the GOT Mobile function template screens

Specification details and restrictions

Target models
MELSERVO-J4 Series (MR-J4-□B(-RJ), MR-J4-W2-□B, MR-J4W3-□B)
Supported connection types*1
Connection via motion controller/Simple Motion module
*1 For the details of connectable models of each connection type, please refer to the “Connectable model list” (page 152).
Lineup of project data
WXGA (1280 × 800)
WVGA (800 × 480)
XGA (1024 × 768)
VGA (640 × 480)
SVGA (800 × 600)
5.7″ VGA (640 × 480)

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