MES I/F Function License

Function features

The GOT uses SQL statements1 to transmit data from the connected industrial devices to a database server.2

1. Communication actions can be selected from SELECT, Multi-SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE.

2 A separate license (GT25-MESIFKEY) is required.

Easy communication without programming

Communication with databases is configured in GT Works3 without any programming.

Transferring data of various devices collectively

GOT transmits data collectively to an MES database server by collecting data from various devices of different types and manufacturers. Collecting data in the GOT makes it easy to transmit data to the database.

Unicode® support for tag data type

Unicode® character strings can be used as the data type of collected data (device data). Multiple languages including Chinese are supported and there is no need to worry about character codes.

Resource data send function

The resource data collected in the GOT buffering area or an SD memory card can be sent to a database. The alarm information of GOT can be stored and managed in the database.

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