System recorder

The system recorder is a corrective maintenance solution that ensures effective resumption of operations reducing downtime through its extensive system-wide data recording and simplified analysis software features.

System recorder
Mitsubishi Electric’s solution for improving productivity through easier data management

Maintenance is critical for ensuring continuous production. Maintenance includes ❶predictive maintenance to detect signs of error, periodical ❷preventive maintenance, and ❸corrective maintenance for prompt troubleshooting at the time of failure. Mitsubishi Electric proposes an enhanced maintenance solution by recording and sampling production and machine operating data and utilizing this data within various stages of maintenance.

The system recorder is a ❸corrective maintenance solution that ensures prompt troubleshooting and error prevention.

System-wide recording

Extensive recording ensures simpler cause analysis
Error cause identification is made simpler by the extensive recording of various equipment and device data together with a real-time video feed reducing the need for multiple retesting due to insufficient data.

System-wide recording
Irregularities between various equipment including control and drive systems together with operations are all linked.

Automatic system-wide recording
Recording of errors that can occur outside standard operating shifts.

Simplified analysis

Extensive data shown in the same timeline
Waveform, data, program, operations log, and video feeds are shown in sequence ready for analysis.

Easier cause identification
Data flow analysis makes understanding the root-cause of failures easier by showing the relationship between failed and normal devices.

Structured program ensures easier troubleshooting
Supports structured programs and device labels enabling easier resolution of problems, thereby reducing TCO*1.

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